TMT - Spinner card with Frappe-y Anya

TMT - Spinner card with Frappe-y Anya

Happy wonderful Tuesday everyone! I hope your week is going well so far, I can really feel the indecision of seasons - one day it's sunshine and pollen, the next day it's storming and yellow. ;) For today's post, I wanted to spread a little warm weather happiness, and share a fun little make with Frappe-y Anya. Marie has designed some wonderful front/back stamp sets, so what better card to make than
April 05, 2022 by The Greeting Farm DT
Tip Me Tuesday: Sunglasses Season

Tip Me Tuesday: Sunglasses Season

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope your week is off to a great start, here on the East Coast we're definitely getting spring like temperatures this week. Not sure I'm ready for it just yet, but come the weekend it will drop back down to cooler temperatures, yay! For now, I've pulled out my favorite sunglasses and created a card using the awesome Breakfast at Cheeky's digital set:
February 22, 2022 by The Greeting Farm DT
Tip Me Tuesday: Sunglasses Reflection

Tip Me Tuesday: Sunglasses Reflection

Happy second day of the week, everyone! It's time for Tip Me Tuesday, a feature where I share some of my favorite techniques, inspiration from friends, cards by amazing designers, and much much more. For today's card I used the fabulous Breakfast at Cheeky digital image to play with a sunglasses reflection idea I had:
February 08, 2022 by The Greeting Farm DT
Tip Me Tuesday: Green Light

Tip Me Tuesday: Green Light

Happy TMT everyone! I hope your October is going well, considering it's almost coming to an end. How is that even possible? With Halloween creeping up right around the corner, my Tip Me Tuesday is to not be afraid, and go deep into your TGF stash! 
I went way back into my archives for my project today . This card uses a retired
October 26, 2021 by The Greeting Farm DT
Tip Me Tuesday: turning Donuts into Frogs

Tip Me Tuesday: turning Donuts into Frogs

Happy TMT day everyone! I hope your week is off to a Fall-y wonderful start. We haven't quite transitioned into the cooler weather just yet but at least we got to turn the calendar another page. Woohoo!
Now that it's October, I know so many of us are looking forward to Halloween and
all of its candy and, of course, costume happiness. I thought it would be fun to take
October 05, 2021 by The Greeting Farm DT
Tip Me Tuesday - Fun with ribbon

Tip Me Tuesday - Fun with ribbon

Happy Tip Me Tuesday everyone! For today's TMT, I wanted to create a card  inspired by this amazing $1 ribbon that I found in my local craft store clearance bin. I just love embellishments with personalities of their own! I knew exactly which TGF image I wanted to pair it with, because last week's new digital Nursery set sparked up baby animal fever: 
August 24, 2021 by The Greeting Farm DT
Tip Me Tuesday - Copic flowers

Tip Me Tuesday - Copic flowers

Happy Tuesday, friends! It's time for our little segment called Tip Me Tuesday where we share our favorite little techniques, color combos, tutorials, with all of our friends on the Farm. Today is one that I absolutely love, that I give total credit to my fellow Design Team member, Rosie of RosemarysCreations
If you're familiar with her work, she is a Copic guru, and does the loveliest designs
August 10, 2021 by The Greeting Farm DT
TMT: Mix It Up!

TMT: Mix It Up!

Happy Tip Me Tuesday, friends of the Farm! I hope your week is going well so far; the weather all over the country is a bit temperamental so we're hoping everyone is safe. If you're stuck indoors because it's too hot or too rainy out, I hope today's post inspires you. We love TGF images, whether it be clear or digi, and encourage everyone to have fun combining any of them to create a one of a kind image.
June 22, 2021 by The Greeting Farm DT
TMT: Butterfly Kisses

TMT: Butterfly Kisses

Happy beautiful June day everyone! Before we start the wonderful week of previews, I wanted to show a card that I made with two of the digital images from May's release. TGF Digital images open up a whole new world of possibilities and story telling, and even more fun because they're instant gratification!
I combined the sweetie from Fairies and her butterfly friend from Fairyland:
June 08, 2021 by The Greeting Farm DT
Tip Me Tuesday: 3D with Mermaid Fun

Tip Me Tuesday: 3D with Mermaid Fun

Happy Tuesday, friends! I hope your week is off to a great start and that it's only going to get better. It's time for Tip Me Tuesday, a fun little feature where I share color combos and techniques that I've made with my favorite TGF images. April's release was nothing short of amazing as we transition into warmer months and easier (hopefully!) days ahead. For my card I created a fun little ocean scape with
April 27, 2021 by The Greeting Farm DT