A look at Mystery Box 1 and 2 stamps...NOW AVAILABLE!
Hello! We got a special release for the month of December! Normally we take the month of December off but we wanted to have these super cute Mystery Box stamps for you before the year ended. So many of you have been asking for it, so your wish is our command! (^_^) We've released all 10 stamp sets on the 15th and we were so surprised at the overwhelming response from these boxes! Already two of the sets are already sold out! Wowzer! Don't wait too long to snatch the rest before they're all sold out!
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Stamps in Video:
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The Greeting Farm
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Positive Happy by PeriTune https://soundcloud.com/sei_peridot Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/TutcA4JPa7Q
Jara said:
Just to let you know that after showing Aloha stamp the cards were Happy Hats.
Fikreta said:
awesome goodies!
🎅🎄 Happy Holidays! ⛄❄