Bay Window digi scenes
Hello friends of The Farm!
Amy here with a couple more digital scene cards that I finally had a chance to color up. Both of these are built around the super cute Bay Window digi set that came out a few weeks ago, though I was pretty generous with all the little extras that I added from some of the other sets as well.
My first card starts with the Bay Window set pretty much as it comes, with the sweet little Anya and her pup and kitty hanging out in the window seat of the big bay window. She's got her bag of yarn at her feet and she is ready to settle in for a relaxing evening of knitting. To flesh out the scene I grabbed the shelves and accessories from the Build-a-Living Room set which also provided a place for the potted plant that comes with the Window set to rest. I decided to make her a city girl with a night time skyline outside that bay window just for a fun change of pace.
For my second card I wanted to have fun with just the critters and create a scene of them being naughty once their people finally got to leave quarantine and go back to work. So rather than add the window seat I started with the big Bay Window and added the couch, magazines and tall potted plant from the Build-a-Living Room set. The two front facing kittens are from the Hello From Home set as well as the spilt coffee mug and slippers that are being chewed up. The pug, rear facing kitty and upended knitting basket are all from the Bay Window set. And finally the extra throw blanket comes with the Movie Night digi set. Someone is in for a big surprise upon their return home but how can you stay mad at such cute faces? LOL
I hope these inspire you to take another look at the Bay Window set if it got lost in the shuffle of all the new releases. :)
Denise Bryant said:
What awesome scenes! Love the bay window! So cute with Anya, and the kitties and pups, along with evidence of their ripped-up pillows, etc…. they might have taken a lesson from my kitty!
Fikreta said:
Amazing cards!