Carnival Digital Stamp Feature
Hello everyone and welcome to a shiny new Stamp Feature! It's just like our regularly scheduled feature where we showcase TGF's latest release, except that it's with the new digital set of the month!
Today's set that kicks off this recap is called Carnival:
When we say you're in for a fun and wild ride with this set, we mean it! Throughout the month the Digital Team have done such an amazing job designing scenes and recreating childhood memories with Carnival. Click on their names below to also see their beautiful galleries full of inspiration!
If you're new to the digital world, putting together your own favorite Carnival scene is so much fun and easier than you think! Come join our TGF Facebook Fan page to get ideas, hints, tips, and inspiration with the sweetest Farm full of friends. Claudie, Rosie, and I joined in on the fun for today's post: 
Carnival is available in the shop for purchase, we can't wait to see what you create with this amazing set of happiness! Have a wonderful weekend, friends - happy crafting to you. Stay safe!
January 23, 2021 by The Greeting Farm DT


Celia Morse

Celia Morse said:

These are All such cute projects 😍

Sue D

Sue D said:

How fun!

Meghan Kennihan

Meghan Kennihan said:

Ha! I love the pun with the pretzel! Great coloring all around!

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