Spread a Lil Magic

Hello, Amy here and today I'm playing with one of the many great digital stamps that you can only find in the TGF store. I've had this crazy cute Anniversary Fairy digi since the 10 year celebration last August but this is the first time that I've gotten her on a card. I honestly don't know what took me so long to print her out because I think she is super adorable but I like to think she was just waiting for me to get brave enough with my coloring to give her the fun and fantastical background she deserves. I decided to really play up her diminutive size and sketch in some extra large mushrooms behind Anniversary Fairy, giving the whole scene a very magical and whimsical feel. I think she looks right at home in her colorful little patch of the garden. 

So the next time you are window shopping in the store don't forget to check out all the fun digital stamps. Not only are they versatile in that they can easily be resized and flipped different directions to suit your needs but the best part of all is that you don't have to wait as long as I did to print them out because they are delivered immediately to your email. :)


Have a colorful day!


Kirsty Vittetoe

Kirsty Vittetoe said:

So cute.

Andrea Hastilow

Andrea Hastilow said:

Fantastic lil scene, great cheerful.colour scheme, adorable fairy. Haven’t used many digital images yet. Thank you for sharing x

Meghan Kennihan

Meghan Kennihan said:


Carmen G

Carmen G said:

What a wonderful card. Your coloring is amazing!! So talented. Thank you for sharing :)

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