Stamp Feature: 3 Wishes
Hello friends of the Farm and happy Stamp Feature Day #2! The Design Team is having so much fun with May's release, we are so happy you're enjoying it as well. Yesterday we showed off Cheeky Proud, now we're turning our spotlight on to the sweetest mini set of inspired characters. 
Let's give a round of applause for 3 Wishes!
This set holds a special place in my heart because right before the quarantine, my daughter played the part of Genie in her school musical.  :) The designers created the most fantastical designs last week during its debut on this blog post. Of course we just had to ink up our own 3 Wishes to join in on the fun!
I don't know about you, but any time someone even starts on the theme song, it's stuck in my head all day long. teehee! Thank you so much for coming by the blog today, we love your visits to the Farm. We'll be back tomorrow with our final Stamp Feature to take the stage, and it's a set that this mom can totally relate to!


Sharon Gullikson

Sharon Gullikson said:

I like how they have different colored hair. Very cute.


Fikreta said:

these are so cute!

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