Stamp Feature: Cool Couple
Happy cold and wintry Tuesday, friends! I hope you all are staying warm and safe during this brrrrr time of the year. This week kicks off our monthly Stamp Feature where we do a little recap of the month's new release. Claudette, Rosie, and I always look forward to inking up our own stamps and joining in on the fun!
Today's stamp feature is Cool Couple:
The Farmers debuted them on this blog post here last week, with such wonderful reviews! This duo has been quite popular, Cute Couple is the sixth edition to this fun line of TGF stamps.
We put our match making skills to the test and created our own cards for today:


You can find this Cute Couple right here at the shop along with all of the newest releases. Don't forget to join in on the current blog hop for your chance to win February's stamps! Follow the link for all the details, you have until Thursday to hop along. 
Thank you for coming by today, stay warm and healthy, we have places to go tomorrow with our next Stamp Feature. :)
February 16, 2021 by The Greeting Farm DT


Meghan Kennihan

Meghan Kennihan said:

Is this couple Rosemary and her hubbie?
Too cute!

Sue D

Sue D said:

Cute couples.

Denise Bryant

Denise Bryant said:

Awesome treat bags and cards! Love this Cool Couple!

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