Tip Me Tuesday: CASE A Friend
Happy TMT day here on the Farm! First off I hope everyone is doing well with all this inclement weather that's been happening. Our daily forecast changes so quickly, but I know that so many crafting friends have been experiencing extreme heat and storms. On a lighter note, I've been hearing all the buzz with people putting up their Fall decor since September is just three days away! (Raise your hand if you are one of them.)
One of my favorite things to do is check out vlogs for decor inspiration, which leads me to today's Tip Me Tuesday - CASE A Friend! Copy And Selectively Edit has been a fun term for as long as I've been a card maker. I love how the paper crafting community welcomes the idea to give credit where it's due. Today I used my sweet friend Rosie's card using an image from Miss Anya Hobby:
If anyone needs card eye candy, be sure to visit her blog to see all of Rosie's amazing work! I used this card for today's CASE:
And created this cheetah loving school girl:
I had so much fun freehand coloring in her bean bag to match the patterned paper, and the headphone ears were perfect to show her love of kitties. Since I didn't have the exact die Rosie uses, I did a rough estimate and cut it to mimic the lines. Finally, I added the backpack from Hey Teacher to show that she was super excited to jump online right after school, and the little "hi" is from A Little Message.
I'm sure you have a fellow crafter whose work you love. Don't be afraid to ask them ahead of time if you can CASE one of their cards, and be sure to give them the credit so you can bask in the happiness together!
Have a great day everyone, enjoy your week and be safe out there. Happy crafting!
Sue D said:
So cute with the cheetah print.