Tip Me Tuesday: Summer Hair

Happy Tip Me Tuesday, friends! I hope your week is off to a great start, the weather is screaming summer, isn't it? We've experienced 100*+ with the heat index. Phew! Hopefully this post on Summer Hair using Ian from Poolside Vibes will cool you off a bit. 
I wanted to do a little post of how TMT started off. Originally, Marie created these two cards for us to create our own card catalog (right click to save!):

With these handy cards (I like them index card size), you can create your own color combos and keep a record of it. I thought I would show you a sample using my new, favorite light brown hair for summer:

I started off with Copic E37
Flicked in E25

Blended in E33

Went back in with E25 for more streaks

And here's a card I made last week using this combo:

I hope you have fun creating your own little catalog of your favorite combinations! It's also great for skin tones as well. Thank you for stopping by, have a wonderful rest of your week!

June 25, 2024 by The Greeting Farm DT


Sue D

Sue D said:

Great idea to make a catalog of fav combos.


Angela said:

Thank you so much first this!! I don’t have the "fancy coloring hair’ technique down yet. This helps so much!


Aly said:

I saved the blank cards, Thank you!
Is it okay to save the cards that are already colored as well? 😁


Reiko said:

I love this! What a fun way to make color combinations :)

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