Tip Me Tuesday with Anita Madden!
Happy Tip Me Tuesday everyone! It's Joni here, with a special guest TMT colorist whose work I absolutely adore. All of Anita Madden's cards have so much personality, and her Copic skills are always so beautiful. I love her background, and that beach scene is so perfect for this cutie. 

Here is Anita's tutorial using one of TGF's newest image. 


For today’s TMT I’m going to share my favorite color combo for black hair. I used the adorable girl from the Beach Bums stamp set and here’s the card I created with her:


Here are the copics that I used to color her hair:




Thank you so much Anita! How pretty are these C Copics for shiny, dark hair? And that sky...swoon!
You can find Anita's work right here on her blog, be prepared to spend some time browsing, because her work is amazing!

Have a great Tuesday everyone, thank you for coming by!


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