Turn and Live... Hallelujah!
Happy Saturday, precious friends!! I have been working through the devotion book 100 Days of Bible Promises and wanted to share my page with you today using the fun, happy stamp set Hallelujah. This verse is such a game changer in this life and is the ultimate reality of the Christian life.
"For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord God; so turn, and live." Ezekiel 18:32
What an amazing God we serve. We have the ability to confess our sins to Him and we are forgiven, washed clean. We have the ability to have eternal life with the King. He does not desire the eternal death of anyone, but He calls us to life...to Truth... to salvation. Friend, I pray that you find the comfort of His forgiveness and the joy of life with Him. May we feel the sweet freedom that this little girl displays right here.
Behind the Page:
The Greeting Farm Hallelujah stamp set. Aren't these girlies just the cutest!?!
Daniel Smith Watercolor and Dots and Dust Watercolor
Tomoe River paper to stamp girl on and tear; I also painted strips and tore to add behind the girlie.
Stazon ink
Faber Castell Pitt Pen
May the God of creation bless you and keep you.
In Christ,