Friendship Bracelet Fun with Guest Designer Rachel Parys!

Rachel Parys here with you today!!! I get the honor of being a guest designer this month here at The Greeting Farm!!! Today is my last guest post, and I just wanted to show some love for having this fun opportunity! Here is a fun Anya from the Miss Anya Fanny Pack Set (this set is retired, but you can go through the contact page to request that it be brought back for a future Farmer's Market).

She looks like she could be carrying string to whip up some friendship bracelets in her fanny pack! I made her a fun little red head! I also used some Picked Raspberry Distress Oxide Ink for the background!

I recently got a die set that makes friendship bracelets and used that to make a banner across the top!

I had so much fun hanging out on the Farm this month!! Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek!



Sue D

Sue D said:

So cute with the bracelet banner.

Sharon Gullikson

Sharon Gullikson said:

I love this so different and cute!


Janine said:

Cute background

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