March Release Preview Day 2: GO FOR IT ANYA
Happy Wednesday everyone. We are on Day 2 of Previews for the MARCH RELEASE. This month we are releasing 3 brand new sets. Don't forget, one lucky person will win the entire release by participating in our Blog Hop on the 15th!
Today we are showcasing GO FOR IT ANYA. Talk about inspiring you to get up and get it! This gal is all about strength, determination, and reaching for those goals. Check out the fabulous cards from our talented Design Team.
The entire release will be available for purchase on MARCH 15th, the same day we have our short Blog Hop. See you tomorrow for another awesome preview for those upcoming Graduations!
Andrea Hastilow said:
Fantastic funky gym miss. Thank you for all the inspiration you give me.
Unfortunately the internet gremlins will not let me access Cynthias site day 1 or 2, so please know your cards have been awesome. So bright, colourful & nicely laid out, thank you x
Jodi Thompson said:
I look forward to adding these to my greeting farm collection!!!
Meghan Kennihan said:
You got me. I’m a personal trainer. I must have this.
Kayla Neuman said:
Oh my gosh how cute is she!!! Love her!
Gab said:
these cards are amazing!
Adrienne said:
Amazing work ladies. I love each and every one of these creations. The go for it Anya is adorable and I love love love the graduation set. Seeing these creations are so inspiring and i love going through everyone’s master piece.
Merly said:
Getting in shape is so inspiring with these cute little gals!!