Hey friends! We're starting this week off with a HUGE surprise! This has to be my latest favorites! This Big Stamp Kit will be available for PREORDER - JUNE 3 - 7!!!! Make sure to write it down in your planners because you DO NOT want to miss it! Remember Preorder price is $40 and Regular Retails is $50. We also cannot guarantee how much inventory will be left once we mail out all Preorders so we highly recommend you place your order!!!!
If you have any questions regarding this big kit, please don't hesitate to ask down in the comment section!
Hope you enjoyed this quick sneak peek!
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The Greeting Farm
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Positive Happy by PeriTune https://soundcloud.com/sei_peridot Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/TutcA4JPa7Q
Sherry B said:
Oooo these are a must have! I’m a sucker for any thing mermaid/sea life/ocean
Jes said:
Love them! Please make matching dies! I would love to see that.
sharon gullikson said:
Oh no, more mermaids!!! And I was trying to save money. I just love this set, especially since it has creatures to go with it. I WILL NEED THIS!!!!!!
Louise Wagner said:
So adorable! Will this eventually have a matching die set?
Jean Peng said:
I love your stamps but I need die cuts! Will you make coordinating dies for these stamps?
Beatrice said:
I can’t wait!
Jasmine said:
Hi there! I would love to pre order. Does it ship to Singapore?
Julie Amoroso said:
Please make die cuts too!
Viv said:
I just ordered mine. Woo Hoo!
Kay said:
These are ADORABLE!! I too need matching dies! I can’t cut things out very well and I don’t do masking. I would love it if you would bring back dies for your beautiful designs!! <3
Nanette Leiker said:
I love the sweet Mermaid’s from The Greeting Farm! They are so cute,! and these are no exception! I can’t wait for them to get to my house! So cute
Olivia Pizana said:
How can i get this set? I just discovered your company
Olivia Pizana said:
How can i get this set? I just discovered your company
Olivia Pizana said:
Could you please make dies for the Mermaid Galore!
Lisa Carlin said:
I just love the Mermaid stamps, can’t wait to preorder mine, So excited!!!
Andrea said:
Hello I checked your website on the dates posted to preorder and it didn’t give me the option I’m very lost but would love a set please how do I go about this