Tip Me Tuesday: Fun with digis
Happy Tip Me Tuesday, everyone! It's Joni here with a little post highlighting the amazing digital background sets and images that Marie has released. I'm sure we can all agree that we've had so much fun building scenes while honoring the stay at home orders! For today's TMT, I had a little "oop-ortunity" moment (oops turned into opportunity) when trying to resize my digital image.
On my cards I combined the rug and frame from Build A Livingroom and the rest from Hello from Home:

On my cards I combined the rug and frame from Build A Livingroom and the rest from Hello from Home:

A little back story- we recently hooked up my daughter's printer since she's home from college. It was perfect because the ink is smudge free with digi images BUT we had to figure out how to appropriately size them with the new laptop. As you can imagine, I have accumulated a pile of oversized and undersized TGF digital images that I cannot throw out.
I took that oop-ortunity and created a matching card set for my sister and my niece:
I took that oop-ortunity and created a matching card set for my sister and my niece:

Double coloring was so much fun and I love that I can put all these different images to good use! After creating other cards, I also had leftover plants from the Desktop Digi and Porch Digi sets, so I combined them on a little Thinking Of You card:

Today's Tip - don't throw away any odd sized digital images or leftover pieces that you've printed out. Have fun creating tags, florist cards, bookmarks, or layered images for a standard greeting card. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
Have a beautiful day, friends - thank you so much for popping by the blog. Don't forget, you can purchase any of the background digital image as well as all of the digi characters here at the shop. Happy crafting!
Marci Villanueva said:
I’m just getting into digi images. Would you recommend printing on laser or inkjet? And what paper do you recommend printing on? Thanks!