March Plan with Me featuring Carisa aka Inky Fairy Designs

March Plan with Me featuring Carisa aka Inky Fairy Designs

Hi friends!  Sorry for the late post!  Daylight Savings has screwed up with my internal clock!  Ugh!  Anyhow we have a fun video feature our dear friend Carisa!  She has a Plan with Me video using a few of our planner stamps!
March 11, 2019 by Claudette San Pedro
Guest Designer Christine wishes you a Fairy Nice Day!

Guest Designer Christine wishes you a Fairy Nice Day!

Hi there...I'm so excited to say that I'm Guest Designing for The Greeting Farm throughout March! I absolutely adore their images and have lots in my craft stash - they stamp so clearly and are a joy to colour.

March 05, 2019 by Rosemary Bridges
A No Line Tip Me Tuesday

A No Line Tip Me Tuesday

Happy day everyone! It's Joni here with a fun TMT that I hope you'll enjoy as much as I do. I asked some sweet friends if I could borrow their talent for today's post, because they are queens of the No Line technique. (I have so many crafting buddies who rock this style, but unfortunately this post has its limits!) 

If you are new to crafting, the No Line Technique is really fun. First off, you stamp an 

February 26, 2019 by Joni Wilson
Guest Designer Sabrina with Cheeky Darling

Guest Designer Sabrina with Cheeky Darling

Hello! Today, I'm showing you my last card as Guest Designer for the month of January. The time spent with you was wonderful, and coloring the magnificent TGF images gave me so many emotions. I love TGF very much!!
January 29, 2019 by Rosemary Bridges
Guest Designer Sabrina with Dressy Ebony!

Guest Designer Sabrina with Dressy Ebony!

Hi, it's Sabrina here again with my second post as Guest Designer for the month of January. I'm so happy to be here with you!! Did you know that The Greeting Farm has an awesome selection of Digital Stamps? They are ready to print from your computer once you purchase them which means easy and instant gratification! It's a great option for those of us who live outside of the U.S.A., but want to color something from TGF quickly!
January 22, 2019 by Rosemary Bridges
Guest Designer Sabrina with Cuddly Thanks!

Guest Designer Sabrina with Cuddly Thanks!

Hello everyone, what a thrill to be here with you! My name is Sabrina, I am 37 years old and I live in Italy ... I am a full-time mother and a cardinal, I love collecting stamps and coloring .... and I love madly THE GREETING FARM!
January 08, 2019 by Rosemary Bridges
Guest Designer Rachel Parys is Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas!

Guest Designer Rachel Parys is Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas!

Today I am sharing my last Guest DT project for

The Greeting Farm!!


I made a non-traditional colored Christmas card

using the adorable image from Best Friends!

November 27, 2018 by Rosemary Bridges
Guest Designer Rachel Parys with Holiday Anya 6!

Guest Designer Rachel Parys with Holiday Anya 6!

Today, Guest Designer Rachel Parys has a special set she made with the adorable Holiday Anya 6!!


This image makes me feel so comfy cozy!!!

November 20, 2018 by Rosemary Bridges
Guest DT Rachel Parys with Brew It Anya

Guest DT Rachel Parys with Brew It Anya

I have the privilege of guest designing at The Greeting Farm this month!!! Today I made an eclipse card!!!


I used the new Brew It Anya!!

November 06, 2018 by Rosemary Bridges
Watercolor with Carisa using Brew It Anya

Watercolor with Carisa using Brew It Anya

Hi friends! Today Carisa is up on our YouTube Channel sharing how she uses watercolors to color Brew It Anya to create a one layer card. You can view the video here or on our YouTube channel.
November 05, 2018 by Rosemary Bridges